In this report commissioned by Tellabs, Hanover Research presents results from their October 2017 Passive Optical LAN Survey Analysis. In order to understand the adoption and perception of Passive Optical LAN, the study targeted the following objectives: Determine the level of awareness among IT professionals with decision influence on equipment, including perceptions and manufacturer awareness. Understand position in industry awareness and perceptions of POL equipment and services. Delineate characteristics that shape the market and the rate of adoption of POL. “The findings from the Hanover Research Passive Optical LAN Survey Analysis showcases how the industry perception of POL has evolved very quickly over the last few years,” said John Hoover, Tellabs Senior Product Manager and APOLAN Board member. “The most appealing benefits driving this growth, according to survey participants, are product quality, reliability, longevity and POL’s centralized management capabilities.”
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